Welcome to the White Card Australia course!
Important White Card Changes
Once you have successfully completed this course you will need to send us the documents from the checklist page in order to receive your national White Card.
All you require is a computer with speakers or a headset, a webcam and an ADSL or cable internet connection, plus a printer so you can print out some paperwork. (Internet Cafes are not recommended)
You do not have to complete this course in one sitting. Provided you complete the course module by module, the online software will remember where you are up to and so you can complete the course in several sittings.
For the new CPCCWHS1001 course, you will be required to complete knowledge assessment throughout the course and the final assessment (a live video verbal assessment) at the end of the course. You will need to get all the questions correct in order to pass both of the courses. That is 100%. Don’t worry if you fail you will get feedback from our Assessors and you can go back and do the assessment again.
For the new CPCCWHS1001 course, you will also need a selection of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to complete the live video verbal assessment. We can provide the PPE as an extra during registration. If you do not already own these items of PPE, Click Here to view examples of the required PPE and information on where PPE can be purchased.
To start the course, click on the Start Course Now button below. You will be taken to a new page. On that page click on the Create New Account button and fill out the Registration Form.
(If you have a “Redemption code” given to you from your company, please enter the redemption code in the field which says “If you have a Redemption Code supplied by a company please insert it here.”)
If you are paying for the course yourself with a credit card, you just leave the Redemption code blank.
You will be required to click a tick-box at the bottom left of the registration form. Please read the Declaration and understand the legal consequences if you agree to a false Declaration. Once you have filled in the registration form and ticked the Agree box, click on the Submit button and follow the prompts to complete payment for the course (Our merchant account provider Westpac Payway accepts only Visa and Mastercard).
Language, Literacy or Numeracy Skills (LLN)
Students will need to have sound English language, literacy and numeracy skills in order to complete the course and assessments. If a student is unsure whether they have the minimum language, literacy or numeracy skills to complete one of our courses, they can take an LLN pre-training assessment here before they enrol in the course. The test will help the student to check whether they can read, write, calculate or speak well enough to do the training and assessment.
To view course requirements Click Here Now. (A new window will open so you can come back to this page easily).